Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I Can Relate (Dali Version)

"Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic."
Salvador Dali

The above is excerpted from my forthcoming show at E:vent Gallery in London next month. If you are in the area, stop by for the opening on July 5th or the delayed second reception on July 14th the night after the "Disrupting Narrative" gig at the Tate.

Speaking of the Tate, The Long Weekend just ended. The event was capped off with something like a VJ / AV after party fest in the Members Room (with a great view of the river, the Millennium Bridge, and St. Paul's to boot).

Quote of the night: "This room is full of the performance technology elite of London. Everybody is here."

Whereas that was probably true, and there were some way out Japanese AV artists hanging as well, during the after after party the conversation changed yet again, this time during what our driver termed a "psychogeographical drift" through the streets of London. Instead of using the Paris Metro map to distribute our movements through the streets of London (that's so 1968), we instead tapped into Resonance FM (one of the groups at the after party), and listened to ...

"...what is that?" I asked the psychogeographer at the wheel. It sounded familiar.

"Alternative Radio," he responded: "David Barsamian."

"I saw David at the Boulder Coop last week," I responded, and since that is where Alternative Radio is headquartered, everything morphed into a kind of jet-lag sense and sensibility.

The late Molly Ivins was talking US politics and we found ourselves recording both Alternative Radio and our in-car overdub on a portable mp3 recorder which, we figured, could now become the audio version of this psychogeographical drift through London. We plan on distributing this mp3 as a podcast for the "performance technology elite" of Boulder to use as a psychogeographical map for a hike through the Open Space hiking trails where the raptors are back fucking and nurturing their families again.

This is when drive turns into dérive and dérive turns into desire.

And to think it all started by taking a hit of Dali.


FYI, prior "I Can Relate" segments can be found here (New York version) and here (Miami version). Original located here.

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