Thursday, August 24, 2006

Finally Unfinished

I just this moment finished the first iteration of the Passagen-Work blog. I'm looking for sponsors to keep it going, but am happy to take a break away from it for now. Except for a couple of airport induced delays that made me miss two days, I was able to put up a new entry every day of the work week and an occasional weekend day since the project first started way back on June 15th with this entry here at Professor VJ.

Here's an excerpt from the intro:
The Museum of Contemporary Art Denver is about to launch an exhibition this summer called "Decades of Influence" - and since I supposedly influenced the emerging digital/net art scene here in Colorado, I am making a new work for the show.

Lately, I have been looking at blogging as theory-performance. Not as an academic space for the theory of performance (though that's OK too - go for it) - but a place to play out my own theoretical performances as blogstyle poetics[...]
The Denver Post wrote about the show here.

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Boulder, Center of the Media Universe

Professor VJ must be some kind of media whore, or magnet. Two days before departing to London Heathrow, the international media circus was all over the supposed terror plot and arrests taking place somewhere near the artist's warehouse I was staying at in London. The bottom line on the day of departure: no shampoo or toothpaste allowed on board.

But now, after a delayed flight back to Colorado, and with only a few bites and scratches from this carry(ing)-on experience:

I return to this:

The international media narrative of endless distraction continues unabated. JonBenet is alive and well, 10 Years After. Some of the locals, who we all know at least by sight, are becoming world media figures. For example:
Michael Sandrock pulled up in a limousine to the bohemian Boulder Co-op Market during a break between television interviews Monday.

He downed a quick rice-and-bean dinner from a cardboard co-op take-out box before doing another CNN spot on the sidewalk across the street from the Boulder County Justice Center.
The Co-op is where I shop.

Are all of the these psychic "trips" just more diversions en route to a final destination?

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Monday, August 21, 2006

The Naked and the Dead

Heading out to Heathrow soon.

The new carry-on rules are quite Draconian but should make for an exciting journey.

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